
Competition: RedRock

White Studded Leather Jacket-Ragged Priest, Vibrant pink crop top-Maarten Van Der Horst, Rounded sunglasses-Topshop, White studded loafer-Unif, Flamingo Tropicana short-RedRock.

Hi guys, 
This is my entry to this great competition that RedRock are holding. All you do is choose 1 or more pieces from their collection or their ASOS marketplace and show how you would style it. I love vibrant prints and coordinating colours and patterns so i went for the Tropicana short, i chose to style it with plain block colours that were in the shorts i.e the crop top-pink and sunglasses-minty green, so that is didn't distract from the print but merely just accented it. I decided to add the white studded jacket  and shoes because i love the 90's grunge trend, but i like mixing this up with bright colours and chose the white instead of black so that the main attention was on the patterned RedRock Shorts.

I think its a great competition and really gives us the chance to show of individuality and style, so everyone please enter here.
Hope you enjoyed,
Peace xxxx

The Fashion Native x

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