
OOTD-New creepers.

Black top-Dads-H&M.
Shorts-DIY-Topman skinny jeans.
Belt-Marks & Spencer.

Hey guys, 
This is my favorite kind of outfit, really minimalist, i love stealing this over-sized black top from my dad cause its really slinky and i just like the way it hangs, in comparison to a really fitted top.
This belt is actually a life saver. I have bought cheap belts over the years and belts from Topman and they have just been crappy quality and never actually do the job of holding my shorts/trousers up. So ya trusty M&S to the rescue!

I hope you liked my OOTD. 

Peace xxxx

Matt x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog, yes I know Steph - she's lovely! I'm good friends with her sister,
    I've been looking through all your posts and I just LOVE your blog! So refreshing to see some brilliant female AND male ootd and such stunning photography! Very creative. You should definitely have more followers - I'll be shouting about you guys! Do you have Twitter?

    Lizzie xx
