Hey guys,
This is a little lifestyle post i suppose, today i went to Brighton with my two besties em and wose. We strolled around the lanes, got fro yo, had lunch and sat on the beach it was chilled and lovely and here are just a few pictures and a haul.
We watched the sun go down and had a few ciders and ate strawberries and raspberry's, i love times like
these they just make you appreciate life and feel happy and stuff.
(em and wose).
Guatemalan jacket-Beyond retro-£15.
I am not sure how i am going to style this yet, as everytime i go to try it on it doesn't really go with anything, also it is quite thick so may have to leave it a month before i start wearing it. But i saw it and i was like for £15, THAT IS MINE. Because i have seen so many on etsy and ebay and asos marketplace going for £40. I think its so nice and i love it.
Tie dyed indian t-shirt-To be worn again-£6.
This was originally £12, no way i was going to be paying that but luckily there was a half price sale on everything so yes. It is also a XL where as i am usually a s/m in tops so it is quite big, but i loved the print and the tie dye and for £6 i was like oh well this can still be worn casually round the house or tucked in.
Peace guys, xxxxx
Matt x